dimecres, 30 de març del 2011


[Excuse me], Howcar I get to the chirese restaurant?
                                GIVE  DIRECTION

 -Go straight on =seguir recte
 -Go pass the fist trafic light =Anar passar el primer semàfor 
 -Turn left = Gira a lesquerra
 -Turn right = Gira a la dreta
 -Turn hall the roundabout = Gireu a la sala de la rotond

_Excuse me, How can I get to the Book Store?
_Go straight on and turn left on pine street and turn right and Oak street
_Excuse me, How can Iget to the Italian restaurant?
_Go straight on and turn left on pine street turn left on Main Street


dijous, 17 de març del 2011

Classroom blogs

Part 1:
1- He went to the information desk.
2- He went upto the first floor, to the duty-free shop area.
3- He went in the shop and ask for aperson who can helphin.
4- He went to the passport control and he found soldries.
5- He went back to the duty-free shop area and tried to find the jonitor.
6- He foond the jonitor. The gave him ininformation and they taert and attak.
7- They went back to the passport control and found thesoldiers deed.
8- They took a walkie-talkie and entered to the ventilation tube.

Part 2:
1- Ha entret en tub de aventilació, hem anat a la dreta, despres hem trobat una sala que hi havia uns claus, estetscopi i una llibreta.
2- Seguim i arribem a una sala que  hi ha undoctor i una infermera que parlen.
3- Seguim recte cap a una altra on hi ha gent que espera. Una d'elles és la germana del protagonista.
4- La única solucir per salvar la germana és dispessar-se de doctor
5- Torna a les botigues canvia cheks per diners, comprar una canya de pesca per pescar les claus.
6- Va a la farmàcia i li dona un bata de doctor.
7- Va a la perfumaria i li dona una bata de doctor.

8- Torna a l'oficina obre amb els claus agafa l'estefoscap, i la llibreta.
9- Entra a la sala on hi ha la seva germana i la salva.